1. Run the following commands:
· db2admin stop
· db2stop
2. The same hostname will be repeated twice on
a single line in the db2nodes.cfg file.
that, only DB2 ESE has a db2nodes.cfg file. If you are
running other editions (WorkGroup Server, or Personal Edition) then you can
skip this step and go to 3rd step.
File Location:
db2 instance home directory/sqllib/db2nodes.cfg
db2 instance home directory/sqllib/db2nodes.cfg
All Windows flavors running DB2 v8 and v9.1:
Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\DB2\db2nodes.cfg
Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\DB2\db2nodes.cfg
Windows XP and 2003 running DB2 v9.5:
Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\DB2\DB2COPY\DB2\db2nodes.cfg
NOTE: Application Data is a hidden folder
Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\DB2\DB2COPY\DB2\db2nodes.cfg
NOTE: Application Data is a hidden folder
Windows Vista and later operating systems:
3. Use the db2extsec command to update
the authorities for the installation-defined groups DB2ADMNS and DB2USERS
with new hostname.
example the new
hostname = 'newhostname'
the following command:
- db2extsec -a newhostname\DB2ADMNS -u newhostname\DB2USERS
4. Update the DB2 registry variables using db2set command. Run the following commands:
· db2set db2accountname=newhostname\db2admin
· db2set db2instowner=newhostname
· db2set db2system=newhostname
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