
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Oracle sql developer - " Unable to find Java Virtual Machine ... "

After successful installation of Oracle 64 bit, When we try to open sql developer ( sqldeveloper.exe) , it ends up with the following error message:

"Unable to find Java Virtual Machine. To point to a location of a Java Virtual Machine, please refer to the Oracle Install Guide(java\install.html)."

Issue Resolved:

I found that the Oracle - SQL developer is NOT supported on 64 bit JDKHence I installed a 32 bit / x86 JDK and updated java loaction at sqldeveloper config file.

  1. JDK Installation url: 
  2. Select windows x86, download and install jdk
  3. Edit the “sqldeveloper.conf
  4. Location of conf file:  <OracleHome>\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin\sqldeveloper.conf
  5.  Now point “SetJavaHome” to your 32 bit JDK location. 

Example: “SetJavaHome C:\Program Files (x86) \Java\jdk1.6.0_25

Suggestions are always welcome..!  Without signing also you can send your comments.


Anonymous said...

You saved my day :-)

Anonymous said...

When i Try saving the sqldeveloper.conf, it says the file is locked. Could you please let me know how I can stop the program that uses this file

Bharath said...

1) I think you should check that any other user is accessing that file.
2) Replicate the same file:Try to copy whole stuff from that conf file and create other file and paste it. delete the old one. Now rename or create sqldeveloper.conf file, make sure the old file's stuff got pasted here. Also you can edit it accordingly.
3) Depends on which OS you are using.
4) In unix some times (not all times) it wont allow for root user also to edit or even delete. this is nothing but setting as immutable file. At this time you have to use a command called 'chattr' for more information you can see on google. you should use -i etc but before using it you should know about this command activity. So google chattr coomand..

If you have any questions feel free to ask me..

Asif said...

Thanks a ton

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much, I was struggling almost 5 - 6 hours..your step saved my Day..God Bless you..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


After updating the sqldeveloper.conf file, still same error.

Please suggest.

Bharath said...

1. Make sure right JDK is installed.
2. Try restarting your machine.
3. if you are getting same kind of error then you should check paths you have given.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the tip!

Anonymous said...

system is not allowing me to save the page "SQL DEVELOPER.CONF"????
any suggestion or any other path????

Bharath said...

Check the username your using have a ' write' permissions.
If the file is locked you can see above my other response /comment on this page.